Collaborative Possibilities

Welcome to Collaborative Possibilities. This weblog is intended to be an informational resource for mental health consumers, students of the mental health field, and mental health professionals.

Location: Albuqueerque, New Mexico, United States

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in New Mexico. I explore counseling ideas and politics as Social Constructions.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Motivational Interviewing

I attended an eight hour training to learn about Motivational Interviewing. Here are some of my thoughts about the training:

The story that was told about Motivational Interviewing is that it started in the substance abuse field with people who were called resistant to change.They have six stages for readiness for change which are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse. The precontemplation stage is supposed to be those who are in "denial" or do not think that they have a problem. I guess a lot of therapists were complaining that their clients were not motivated to meeting their treatment goals so along came an answer to resistant clients. How to motivate clients to participate in therapy is exactly what it is.

The presenters taught us that the therapist is supposed to develop a bag of tricks to move the client up the stages to maintenance. What I perceive that they have done is incorporate the CBT, SFT, and Collaborative ideas for an agenda of guiding the client to what they call true and appropriate behavior. They have scaling questions and reflective listening along with an agenda towards "right" behavior set forth by the therapist expert knowledge about how life is meant to be lived.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just opened my own blog at
If you care to have a look...

March 18, 2005 at 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not quite sure how no bologny's comment is related to I'm not sure that publishing a Blog is manipulating anyone. I am simply suggesting possibilities for others to think about... people can certainly disagree with me. I gain nothing particularly significant by having the Blog, nor by publishing it on the net.

April 2, 2005 at 2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Brian Milliken,
I came across your posting and read it with a shudder, to read your account of motivational interviewing and the quite offensive remarks you made about the people who developed motivational interviewing. I am one of them! Your description of the method was some distance from my sense of what it is. I guess you are free to air any views that you wish. Between our starting point, which was to humanise treatment systems, your trainer, and your experience of the method their is quite a gap. I only wish that you would read some of the material we publish, and perhaps a good starting point is the website developed by an international group of colleagues united not by earning money, but by making a difference. If you read the Bulletin on this site, are your views any different? let me know.


Stephen Rollnick

March 20, 2006 at 1:36 PM  

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